Experience without losing your ass (+ LOTTOS)

“I will simply wait for the option to swing back my way and exit for a 20% loss when you’re sitting at a 50% loss”

Good morning RIGD.

Yesterday was a tough slog no doubt with the day’s range for SPY at 0.81% and QQQ 1.07%.

There’s always money to be made but without the outsized moves like we saw on Monday, you have to be extremely quick on the trigger finger and just market dump them thangs.

If you find yourself thinking,

“I will simply wait for the option to swing back my way and exit for a 20% loss when you’re sitting at a 50% loss”

You might as well delete the app, call it a day and go touch grass.

This time (like the other times) is not different.

The worst possible thing that could happen and we mean this… is the option does come back and you exit for a small loss or even a small gain.


Because you got lucky and luck has a crazy way of changing how you will approach the situation again.

And in the next situation, you will have larger size.

The larger size turns into a larger loss you could have ever imagined.

It looks like you’re going to go green.

Devil dick straight down.

You throw the Zalto wineglass across the room and it shatters on your signed Nickleback poster… Pinot Grigio everywhere.

You never did get it framed.

Three American Spirits and a shot of Taaka then you’re on the phone to mom asking if the cancer has metastasized and if she’d be willing to give you a small advance on your future inheritance. Just enough to get back to even.

She sadly declines and reminds you she already gave you the money to buy Shiba coin.

Everything goes to black…

Experience without losing your ass

Yesterday didn’t suck (we’ll show the best trade of the day) but it wasn’t a great day to trade.

Great days to trade are easy.

Easy = high score bombs

Easy = FR and FS matching the bombs

Easy = price moving one direction all day

Easy = make a lot of money and feel like a genius

You’ll know when it’s easy mode because the discord will be on fire and everyone will be freaking out about their gains and complaining about selling a 100% rip that would be 400% if they only held.

Unfortunately it’s impossible to know the difference between easy mode and hard mode if you just started doing this.

You get an easy money Monday and think Tuesday will be the same…

And that’s where the problem is.

The “think” part.

We try not to “think” anything. Every day is different. Thinking is how we lose trades. Being able to see what’s happening and react using the RIGD AI system is how you make money.

But it takes time!

There’s this one guy AK in discord who had been losing his absolute ass for months… but now it’s finally clicking and he’s putting together win after win.


First the guy is bring tuna sandwich to the beach club cheap and has never bought us a beer in our life and we’ve known them since pre-k…

But that’s exactly how you need to trade when you first start out.

Cheap… stingy… tight… tuna sandwich to the beach club in your cargo shorts.

Until you can find a way to string together win after win after win (which you can see the advanced traders are doing using RIGD AI)…

Don’t try to size up.

Learning to trade is a lot like being 18 and getting that first fake ID, going to that one bar in town where everyone is underage except for the group of people that peaked in high school and never stop talking about it, and then approaching women (or men) you are interested in having consensual relations with.

You’re not going to up to the hottest group of girls right away (unless Logan Paul’s fiancée is there…)!

You wouldn’t know what to do or say or even how to close.

Instead you’re going up to the group or the maybe the one with a hunchback in the corner who in the morning may not and definitely won’t smell the same.

Low risk…. who cares if rejected.

Low reward…. imagine the smells.

But a big boost of confidence and further refinement of ability for future consensual action.

Day in and day out we’re preparing for the future… the future of easy days… the future it’s a clear time to size up and make a day in a month.

But you’ll never get there if you don’t build towards it.

The lizards who want to keep us all poor say it takes years to become a successful trader.

That’s bs…

Different for everyone but it does take time.

If beach club tuna can do it… you can do it.

Just don’t blow up the account trying to force what’s not there.


We sent a lot of bombs yesterday and almost all of them were profitable if traded correctly.

But trading correctly is hard.

We don’t like hard. We like easy. We are lazy.

That’s why we sized up on this one trade.

12:17 - 313 BULL BOMB

This BULL fires one minute after the lowest price of the day for SPY. We continue to worship / stan the lizard people who are simply too good at trading.

These ran 110.08% in 35m but we were out after the first rip up.


Today we’re doing a little testing in prod with the addition of the lottos feature.

Lottos are the highest risk 0dte options. Lottos are out of the money. Lottos should be treated like the name. They are not a high probability trade.

So why add them?

Well - we want to get rich with the least amount of capital and effort required and don’t mind lighting a little bit on fire to try and catch a good lotto.

How it works:

RIGD AI is constantly monitors all option flow.

If we detect a “lotto” that meets our criteria we’ll send an alert (if enabled) and track the returns.

When to buy a lotto:

You already have to sign a waiver of liability when you join RIGD AI and we may an addendum to add how degenerate these lottos are.

However… what we’re looking for are LOTTOS with matching BOMB + FLORBS.

A perfect scenario would be:

12:10 - 560 BULL BOMB - 440c

12:14 - 310 BULL BOMB - 440c

12:15 - 101 LOTTO - 444c

Here you have the back to back bull bombs with high score and then the lotto for the 444c which is DEEP out of the money.

We’d take the 440c with size and then go light on the 444c. Since they’re so far out of the money, these contracts will be less than 0.4 or even cheaper depending on the time remaining in the session.

We probably wouldn’t think about the number of contracts, just the dollar value we’re putting into the trade since we’re going into it thinking they will go to zero.



If you get the move or we even go from 440 to 443… the lottos will 4x or more.

🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤

We maybe don’t see this kind of move today with NVDA reporting after the close, but who knows.

We’ll take whatever the market gives us.


note: we realize that we wrote about risk management and not blowing your load and going slow to learn how to use RIGD AI and then pulled a turbo reversal by releasing our most degenerate feature yet. if anything this should remind you never to listen anything we write.


RIGD AI is the ultimate tool for the degen trader.

Proprietary alerts for 0dte SPY and QQQ options

An idiot friendly easy to follow trading system

Badass community of lizard loving, bomb buying, option flippers


RIGD AI is definitely not for everyone!

If you like technical analysis, patterns, widgets and waves, this is not for you!

If you like safety and dividends and watching trees grow, this is not for you!

But if you believe the stock market is RIGD (rigged)… 

And you’re tired of losing to the lizards and their computer algos that dominate the markets…

Then why don’t you follow what really moves the market?

Up or down we do it every single day.

one good trade pays for a month or even years of membership

results not guaranteed you will likely lose 100% of your money

thanks for reading THE RIGD REPORT by RIGD AI

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