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- Winner Winner Buffet Dinner (IT WORKS)
Winner Winner Buffet Dinner (IT WORKS)
We almost packed it in and went back to our jobs at the toilet store.

We almost packed it in and went back to our jobs at the toilet store.
Lucky for you all we got fired and permabanned from that place from pulling a jackass-esque move by testing a toilet in the showroom because there were one too many mai thais the night before and it’s not like we went number one or number two the burgers and some mai thai probably ended up in one of those japanese toilets which wasn’t hooked up to a water source and evidently difficult to clean without one.
(loving this new AI writer in beehiiv btw)
RIGD alerted three bull bombs on $SPY fairly close together and they won if you traded hard and fast and won harder if you kept a runner on until the end of the day.
Don’t mind the toilet store nasty aesthetic, it won’t be here for long!

The good thing - and the only thing that matters is seeing the grouping, a confluence of sort of bullish option flow which gives the degen trader confidence to make a move and buy some god damn call options.
They happened before the first move running to a high of 89.13% return during the OPEN SESSION (anything before noon).
Some managed to snipe the bottom for a quick hot money 78% return.

Other more responsible traders (this guy is confirmed a dad x2 so he plays by a different rulebook than the rest of us), went in and out for a quick 50%.

We’re not sure what the bullflag is he’s talking about but glad that he stopped saying RIGID and started saying RIGD (rigged).
Nothing changes people’s behavior than making or losing (which is also very likely given the extreme volatility and risk associated with trading options and you should do proper due diligence and consult a registered financial advisor before making and trades and by reading this email acknowledge that we are just a website bro giving alerts and not telling you to do anything) money.
The craziest gains were caught during the good ole end of the day valhalla ramp as the robots (or someone who knows something) is front running the CPI report coming out tomorrow.
How insane is an EOD ramp for #0dte calls?
$SPY 441c
2:35 PM - 0.17
3:49 PM - 1.71
905.88% return
$SPY 442c
2:35 PM - 0.03
3:49 PM - 0.85
2733.33% return
all in an 1hr 14m...
we're working on the lottos exclusively targeting the last 1.5 hours of trading
— RIGD - ai (@rigd_ai)
9:37 PM • Jul 11, 2023
Here’s what you need to know about CPI:
down vs ecomonist expecations (inflation is tanking) we rip straight up
flat vs ecomonism expectations (inflation is falling) we rip straight up
up vs economical expectations (oh shit oh damn shit is still expensive) we nuke before going back up
Possibly a joke but also very true.
Shitco stocks like $OPEN and $COIN and $Z and $ETSY and $BYND are all ripping straight up like money is free and the hot girls in our twitter DMs are real.
So CPI who cares - but it should be a very tradeable day and we’ll be following the flow (using robots).
Someone somewhere with big balls and bigger bankroll went huge into the $QQQ buying 12,500 370 strike call options for a total of $999,999.999. A million dollar bet that expires tomorrow, but still a better trade than any of that sports garbage the senile mattress man throws around.
You’re probably thinking wow - well come 930am redbull zynn shot of whiskey and I’m going to follow that whale.
If it’s all over twitter (it is), you’re too later to the trade.
At 3:38 the whale bought them for 0.80 each.
At 3:49 they were trading for 1.20 a pop.
Run the numbers that’s a 50% return in 11 minutes for a half million more than we have in our overdrawn FTX accounts.
It would be nice if we had our out of the money big money lotto feature live but all things except your hairline… the RIGD app will get better over time.
Improvements are on the way and FLORBS (flow orbs) are going live THIS WEEK.
The geniuses at work (who do not write this newsletter) have most of it figured out and they should be the perfect addition to our charts which need a little love.

We’ll keep the big bomb alerts for when the whales make their move, but you’ll see a mass flurry of florbs (green for bullish red for bearish) appear on the chart as they happen.
Green florbs + bull bomb = calls = money
We can’t wait (we keep talking about it) layering on the lottos when we detect large sweeps for out of the money options.
Example of how RIGD the market is from today:
2:57 (close session) - call sweep 441 strike size 7459 price 0.38
That’s a $283,000 play with 63 minutes left in the trading day
Of course the stock market is rigged because there’s absolutely no way in hell anyone is taking that kind of action without knowing something. You don’t fat finger a quarter million dollar trade.
In thirty minutes it was almost a 100% trade but about an hour later they ran to 1.75 for a 360.53% return.
We’d say there’s no way they held on an perfectly traded this thing but then again they also put on an insane size trade and the stock market is rigged so yeaaaaaaa.
Hopefully we’ll flip the switch soon because boy oh boy we’re cooking up a few new ideas in the lab and the tradechat feature shipped yesterday could use a small dose of degeneracy!

Stay frosty.
RIGD AI is the ultimate tool for the degen trader.
✅ Proprietary alerts for 0dte SPY and QQQ options
✅ An idiot friendly easy to follow trading system
✅ Badass community of lizard loving, bomb buying, option flippers
RIGD AI is definitely not for everyone!
If you like technical analysis, patterns, widgets and waves, this is not for you!
If you like safety and dividends and watching trees grow, this is not for you!
But if you believe the stock market is RIGD (rigged)…
And you’re tired of losing to the lizards and their computer algos that dominate the markets…
Then why don’t you follow what really moves the market?

Up or down we do it every single day.
one good trade pays for a month or even years of membership
results not guaranteed you will likely lose 100% of your money
thanks for reading THE REPORT by RIGD AI
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