RIGD AI - UPDATED BETA GUIDE (we're live today)



What is RIGD AI?

RIGD AI sends alerts for $SPY and $QQQ 0dte options.

0DTE options are financial derivatives that expire the same day. They are extremely volatile.

How volatile?

A $0.20 move in your direction can be a 20% gain. It moves the other way and it’s a 25% loss.

This can happen within seconds or minutes.

Given the risk involved, it’s recommended you start small with tight stop losses or avoid using this application entirely.

What makes RIGD AI so damn good?

Because 0DTE options expire the same day, large trades known as option sweeps can move the market.

The lizard people (market makers, whales, illuminati who run the stock market), only take large positions when the trade has a high probability of profitability.

Think about it this way…

If a lizard buys $2,000,000 in $QQQ puts expiring 9/29, you have no idea why they put this on or what’s the hedge on the other side.

If a lizard buys $300,000 in $QQQ puts that expire in two hours, there is no hedge they know the market is down.

Check out this example from 7/21.

The QQQ looks like it’s going to bounce like it always seems to do, but the lizards slam puts in size just minutes before the biggest move of the day.

These puts returned over 300% in less than an hour.

This information is not available to the public

Trading apps will show you a chart where you can draw triangular lines, fibonnaci sequences and whatever technical astrological synthwave indicator you want…

But do you really think they stand a chance against whatever systems built by Blackrock or Citadel?

Absolutely fucking not.

Option flow (big option trades) is the most important signal to trade on.

But it’s controlled by a cartel that makes it extremely expensive and incredibly difficult to use.

That’s where RIGD AI comes in.

RIGD AI’s proprietary system is constantly scanning and filtering through the option flow, then we use machine learning and artificial intelligence to assign scores based on the trades.

The benefit for end users being:

You only get alerts when there’s significant option activity.

You don’t need to wake up with a trading plan, read the Wall Street Journal or listen to macro podcasts.

You don’t need to have an opinion on whether we’re in a bull market or bear market or what interest rates are going to do to the economy.

RIGD AI sends you alerts when the lizards (market makers) are taking big trades.

RIGD AI works whether the markets go up or markets go down.

How to trade using RIGD AI Alerts

Start by memorizing the golden rule.

Bulls at bottoms and Bears at tops. 

Following the golden rule is the best way to win trades. The money is made in the reversals.

And the lizard people have an unreal ability to time their trades.

We’ll talk about the other terms, but the golden rule is the most important to follow.

Let’s walk through some examples.


RIGD sends the first BULL at 10:34 as price is moving up (skip the trade), followed by a red FLORB (bearish) at 10:35 when price is at the high of the day.

Then at 10:40 we get a 388 BULL when price near the low.

Bulls at bottoms, we enter the trade.

Immediately after we see FLORBS and another BULL. This indicates bullish activity.

When the indicators (FLORBS + BOMBS) match your side, it’s a good sign to hold onto the trade because the price is going higher!


This is one of the best setups in RIGD AI history.

$SPY opens on 7/27 and the price action is very choppy, no clear direction.

But you can see from the chart… nonstop RED FLORBS and BEAR BOMBS.

RIGD AI fired five bear bombs.

In the far right column is the score.

Score is a weighted calculation, the higher the number the stronger the signal.

We haven’t discussed it until now because score is secondary to the golden rule of bulls at bottoms and bears at tops.


The lizard people are not immune to the fomo of missing a rally and trying to catch it late.

But in the example above we see a rapid succession of bear bombs with 500+ scores. This is THE TRADE to take.

Keep reading this breakdown.


At the top of our flow pages, you can see two metrics in the top center box.

FLATIO (FL) = flow ratio (RIGD AI version of put / call ratio) where above 0.7 is bearish and below is bullish.

FLORE (FR) = flow score a weighted calculation of net premium (calls - puts) updated by the minute.

FLORBS = the red and green orbs that appear on the chart. These represent either net call or put buying. Not whales that move the market, but smaller traders.

We like to think of these as the current option market status.

In this example from July 20 on QQQ, both are very bearish. Traders are buying more puts than calls and spending more in put premium than call premium.

The market is positioned for a lower move.

From 12:35 - 14:00 the market chops before we start to see red FLORBS + and then a BEAR BOMB come in.

These are bears at a bottom! A violation of the golden rule!

True but here’s why we love the trade:

FLATIO and FLORE are very bearish

BEAR BOMBS + RED FLORBS = same signals in close timeframe

AFTER THE CHOP when price action is choppy (no direction), the lizard people love to setup for the next move.

That’s exactly what happened.

The yellow box is the 14:06 minute when the 507 bear bomb fired, roughly a minute and a half before QQQ fell 0.85% in the next hour and 23 minutes.

The returns were of course immaculate.


BULLS at bottoms, BEARS at tops

Never forget the golden rule. These trades win more often than any others on our platform (data coming soon). Even whales will chase a move late. We once saw an 1800+ bear bomb on SPY that went to $0 (this trader lost millions).

The more signals, the better!

You don’t have to take the first one. A second bomb or FLORBS can be confirmation to enter the trade.

500+ score is a strong signal

The higher the score, the larger the size of the sweep or sweeps. Seeing 500+ at a top or bottom can be an epic trade to take!

FLATIO & FLORE show "market status"

These are indicators for how the market is currently positioned. They’re useful to monitor throughout the day as we move up or down. However it only takes 1 sizeable whale trade to completely flip the market.

FLORBS (smaller option sweeps) can help you hold or sell

The session opens and we fire two bull bombs but price action continues to chop.

this is a beautiful thing to see!

The green florbs outnumber red 13-1 and soon after the price ripped up.

Lizards setup for the next move during the chop

This is chop. It’s boring. Do not trade the chop.

But… RIGD AI sends alerts during the chop, then you can probably disregard the golden rule.

Think of the chop as a “reset” for the next move up or down.


The product while functional is still in beta mode. We’re shipping updates and new features almost daily, sometimes things may break.

Not every day will be epic. RIGD AI only follows the lizards and if they’re hibernating or whatever they do, then there won’t be many if any alerts.

We know there’s still a problem with pinning florbs and bombs to the exact spot on the chart.

Morning (9:30 - 11:00) and End (13:00 - 16:00) are the most profitable for us. Unless we’re getting an outsized move, the middle of the day mostly just sucks.

When to sell is probably the most difficult decision to make and one between you and your god. The internet says a 1:3 stop-loss ratio is best. So you stop loss at 20% and then take profit at 60%. No one ever went broke taking profit, but no one ever got rich selling early. Maybe sell and let some run. A total loss is at least a tax writeoff though.

We will continue to update this guide as more questions come in and the application improves.

We recommend you read the RIGD REPORT (we’re biased but all of the posts are excellent) and explain the daily action.


RIGD AI is the ultimate tool for the degen trader.

âś… Proprietary alerts for 0dte SPY and QQQ options

âś… An idiot friendly easy to follow trading system

âś… Badass community of lizard loving, bomb buying, option flippers


RIGD AI is definitely not for everyone!

If you like technical analysis, patterns, widgets and waves, this is not for you!

If you like safety and dividends and watching trees grow, this is not for you!

But if you believe the stock market is RIGD (rigged)… 

And you’re tired of losing to the lizards and their computer algos that dominate the markets…

Then why don’t you follow what really moves the market?

Up or down we do it every single day.

*one good trade pays for a month or even years of membership

*results not guaranteed you will likely lose 100% of your money

RIGD AI Terminology

0dte - 0 days till expiry options contracts

Score - higher number equals stronger signal (bullish or bearish)

Strike - the dollar value of the options contract

Bull Bomb - alert type for call buying

Bear Bomb - alert type for put buying

Lotto - out of the money option contract that carries the highest risk highest return profile

FLORB - flow orbs display weighted call minus put premium in one minute intervals. These are a useful indicator for holding, adding or selling a position. Green for bullish and red for bearish.

FLATIO (FL) - flow ratio is the put / call ratio where above 0.7 is bearish and below is bullish. The colors change on the app to let you now.

FLOW SCORE (FR) - flow score is the weighted net premium of calls minus puts. High scores are bullish and low scores are bearish.

Additional terms:

Lizard people - interchangeable term for market makers, whales, illuminati who control the market

Mai thais - the drink of choice for degenerate traders

Stay frosty - simply the only way to be


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